Setting: Devon playing dress-up
Me: You look so cool as Spiderman
Devon: But, I’m not Spiderman, I’m Devon because I don’t know where the mask is.
Setting: Putting temporary tattoos on the kids over the sink
Bryanna: Mommy, can you lift me up on the sink too?
Grammy: Bryanna you’re too heavy for mommy to lift.
Mommy: It’s okay, I lifted her yesterday, she’s not too heavy.
Bryanna: See Grammy, I’m not too heavy for mommy, just for old people.
Take a picture it’ll last longer
1 month ago
I can't wait to record the goofy things Jess is going to come up with ... kids really do say the darndest things! (btw, I'm enjoying some buster bar RIGHT now ... and thought of you, which is why I'm looking at your blog!!! Miss you!)